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Here are some thoughts on data science and business topics.

Journal: My Onboarding Day
Article English Journal journal
I was so excited on this day not only because I have worked so hard to secure this job and I am looking forward to it so much, but also because it marks the start of my new identity as a professional in Canada and the beginning of my new journey full of expectations.
Will a World War III Break Out?
Article English Portfolio data analysis
Before 2050, the probability of humanity experiencing a bloody war, leading to more than 0.36% of global deaths (288 million in the current population), is estimated at 99.85%.
Feature Engineering
Article English feature engineering
Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into meaningful and usable features, which is as critical as making sure a goat is well fed to ensure it thrives.
How Does a Large-scale Data Product Work?
Article English data product data engineering
It’s me - a piece of data, growing within the data flow.
Hands-on Takeaways On Tech Project Management
Article English tech project management
More comprehensive lessons may have been summarized elsewhere, but here are my first-hand insights and they are directly actionable. On profit estimates, company missions, trade-offs, and decision-making.
Data Science In E-commerce Platforms Driven By Supply Chain Optimization
Article English data science community group-buying business analysis
There are two dominant features in group-buying compared to the online retail model: the first is pre-sale with next-day delivery, and the other is community pickup.
Image Object Detection With FasterRCNN
Article English data science object detection deep learning
Detecting objects in images using publicly available datasets and the FasterRCNN model.
AB Testing Summary
Article English data science A/B testing product analysis
All about A/B testing: History; Procedure; Statistical theory; Example; Pitfalls
Data Science In Internet Platform Operations
Article English data science platform analytics user analytics marketing analytics
To be completed.
Machine Learning Model Building For Production Deployment
Article English data science machine learning production deployment
To be completed.